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Data set:
This data was drawn from a population of police officers working in both regional and metropolitan communities. The survey was looking at issues relating to drinking, mental health, physical health, and occupational attitudes.
The variables you will need to use are:
Gender (0 = male, 1 = female)
BMI (calculated from weight/height2)
Region (0= metro, 1 = regional)
Number of physically active days per week (work_activity)
Physical health issues (PHQ_total)
Sleep issues (FOSQ_totalscore)
Depression (DASS D subscale)
Anxiety (DASS A subscale)
Resilience (BRS_total)
Number of sick days in the last 12 months (sick_days)
Drinking levels (AUDIT_total)
Stigma towards mental health (Stig9_total)
Life satisfaction (Lifesat; SWLS)
Activity level (Act_level; 1 = not very active, 2 moderately active, 3 = very active).

For the following scales you will need to:
Check range of values and deal with any missing values (mean replacement).
Score the scale (see appropriate PDFs) and check internal consistency.
No reverse coding is required for these scales.
Life satisfaction (Lifesat; SWLS)
Depression (DASS subscale)
All other scales have been calculated for you.

For each RQ you will need to:
Run the appropriate analysis and present descriptive statistics/describe associations.
Save all the STATA outputs as one (1) file with your name.

Your second task is to write a Results Section of a research paper to answer the following research questions, and you will need to generate output via STATA and also attach this output as an appendix.

You also need to create your own tables in Word for this assignment.
RQ1: What is the effect of physical health issues, sleep issues, number of physically active days, reported drinking levels, and BMI on the officers’ reported number of sick days in the last 12 months?
RQ2: What is the effect of resilience, and stigma towards mental health on officers’ reported depression levels, after controlling for age, gender, and region?
RQ3: Is there a difference in number of physically active days, reported drinking levels, life satisfaction and BMI across male and female officers? (Include graphs with standard error bars.)
RQ4: Is there a difference in reported levels of sleep issues for participants based on the participants’ activity level? (Include a graph with standard error bars.)

To be included in the Assignment:
Data Analysis section (describe the analyses for each RQ)
Statement of aims and research questions
Data Preparation:
Description of the scored scales, and how you dealt with any missing data for the DASS Depression subscale and SWLS.
Discuss the results of the normality checks (include S&K, visual inspection, and normality tests) for all continuous variables.
A single correlation table with all of the variables used in the regression models.
Results of each regression analyses presented in a table and described in text.
Results of difference tests described in text
All graphs for difference tests.
(All tables to be constructed in Word, and all graphs to be constructed in Excel.)
Results Discussion
A small discussion section exploring the results (approx. 4-5 paragraphs or 1-2 paragraphs per research question with refernces.)
All results must be in APA format.

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